
Visions of the Future...

“The Onus is on us to create the Opus…”

As children we are taught to believe that we have the power to change the world; we will grow up to be our heroes and, in turn, we will become heroes for the next generation. Idealism reigns supreme because living is simply being. Yet, as we mature, our youthful exuberance is rapidly replaced by a brutish reality. We concentrate our creative energies on material pursuits in hopes of higher status rather than idyllic visions in hopes of greater satisfaction. Our efforts are centered on improving our own narrow lives rather than improving the broad scope of humanity.

Yet what we must realize is that we are the Creative Cohort that will provoke unimaginable change in the world. We are on the cusp of an information revolution that will bring about worldwide interconnectedness altering the global perception of reality. The availability of useful information at our fingertips will bring humanity closer together and change the face of human interaction; we will experience drastic changes in our perceptions of the global economy, political structures, and human development. We will create a new vision of reality based on the realization that living is simply being.

Do you feel on the cusp of the next paradigm shift that will change the way in which people interact and stay connected?

Can you feel the potential energy for creative change all around you?

Are you ready to manifest this vision with humanity and the world?


Of Epic Proportions...

"Nothing happens unless first a dream."

The Plan:

Funded by heavy corporate sponsorship and armed to the teeth with brand name equipment, we will embark upon a six-month expedition to experience major worldwide gatherings of individuals that simply know how to BE. From The Midsummer Night’s Dream Party in Cali and Ibiza in Spain to The Full Moon Party in Thailand and Paganello in Italy. Living through Carnivale in Brazil, Oktoberfest in Germany, and the Fetish Fantasy Ball in Las Vegas. Conducting interviews, visiting historical sites, and dominating epic parties, our simple message rings true: If you're confident enough to realize that simply Being makes you happy, you can truly share your zest for living and compassion for humanity.

The Goal:

To change the lives of those who cross our serendipitous path and unite the global community through internet word of mouth to increase the exposure of Choosing to Participate, Ultimate Frisbee, and the spirit of compassion for humanity that this Organization and this Sport truly embody and personify. Using weekly newsletters, daily journal entries, altruistic advertising, pointed propaganda, and high-grade humor we will publish vivid stories, present live storytelling, reveal provocative images, and supply sound advice. A good cause, a piece of plastic, and a dream to spread our zest for living and compassion for humanity.

The Cause:

Choosing to Participate is a program that began in Boston in 1998 and will return to Boston in January of 2007. This program shows the large impact that a small group of people can have on the world. These individual efforts can be both lasting and beneficial for the lives that they have touched. As they come together to honor and commemorate the battle that these children and young adults fought to shape their lives (and ultimately ours), we too can inspire our children to make the changes necessary to discover the bright future that lies ahead. Choosing to Participate tells three stories, which you can read about at http://www.facinghistory.org/facing/fhao2.nsf/all+docs/CTP+homepage?opendocument. Please be curious enough to learn more.

The Sport:

Ultimate Frisbee is a competitive, up and coming sport that personifies the concept of playing the game for the spirit of the game. An artful sport that inspires teamwork and good will between players while still achieving the ultimate goal of victory. Big lay outs, monster defensive bids, and full field hucks, grace the grassy expanses throughout the world. Learn more about The Ultimate Community at http://www.upa.org.

The Result:

The epic journey depicting how two men, a disc, and a cause, can travel the globe to start a word of mouth epidemic to discover peace of mind by being mindful of others.


My Ideal Job Description

“If I create the background, the foreground will create itself.”

Ideal Job Description

We are looking for an individual who is motivated to provoke creative change in the world by developing systems that will constantly adapt in order to fit the shifting global paradigm. The pace of business is moving so rapidly due to global interconnectedness that many employees and workers find themselves feeling overwhelmed, burned out, and frustrated. This person will reevaluate current business practices and individual roles within the organization in order to maximize overall organizational connectedness. This individual will increase operational efficiency and global organizational awareness in order to motivate and help everyone to succeed. By facilitating a new more creative perception of the organizational mission, this individual will strengthen the individual work ethic within the organization, utilize technology to allow greater human creative capital, and construct new systems that connect the individual parts to the whole.


  • We are looking for someone who is creative, energetic and ready to learn.
  • We want an individual that is motivated to overcome challenges and solve problems.
  • We seek an individual who is idealistic in the pursuit of theoretical goals and pragmatic in the pursuit of realistic results.
  • This person must possess strong leadership qualities and an individual stalwartness in order to stand up and change the status quo.
  • This individual must have superior communication skills, a keen understanding of organizational operations, and the ability to see the big picture.
  • We seek a charismatic leader with experience managing and leading people in order to be an expert motivator, trainer, and teacher.
  • The ideal candidate would possess a four year liberal arts degree with a strong background in political science, economics, and humanities.
  • This individual must have experience in customer service, facilitation techniques and problem solving.


  • This position is based in the greater Boston area with a salary of 40k-60k annually.
  • This individual should expect to work 40-60hrs per week and occasionally on weekends.
  • Travel may be required as necessary.
  • The company provides comprehensive health and dental, 401k, paid holidays, paid sick days, and vacation.

And so it begins...

In honor of the original Big Baller Woolf, I would like to reveal an important life lesson that was bestowed upon me at a ripe young age:

"Ya ain't seen tit, 'til ya seen nipple!